Aaron, Alex, Caleb, and Jake kick off April with a bang, and that bang is releasing the March video late. Join us as we take a look at the March bundle. Find out which games we Unite against, which ones will make you Rage, and which ones may even cause a Paradigm Shift.
Aaron, Alex, Caleb, and Jake restart the Humble Monthly Bundle Rumble. Join us as we dive into the February bundle, trying to find out which games Rock, which ones we Reject, and which ones cause a Division among the Humble Bundle Elite Four.
Caleb, Aaron, Jake, and Alex play the May bundle. Think these games are Underrated? Join us to find out if these games Tested positive for fun or if they were a Metric ton of sh...not-fun!
Jake, Caleb, Aaron, and Alex play the April bundle. Come join us to Witness if this bundle is a Masterpiece or simply another sTumble on the way to bigger and better things.
Caleb, Alex, and Aaron kick off the new year with a new bundle. Jake Bleeds it dry.
The December 2016 Humble Monthly Bundle, as reviewed by Aaron, Alex, Caleb, and Jake. Join us to find out if this month's bundle gets Hacked to pieces or Escapes unscathed.
Jake, Caleb, Alex, and Aaron review games from the November 2016 Humble Monthly Bundle. Find out if this month's disappointments overShadow its successes.
Jake, Caleb, Alex, and Aaron talk about the October 2016 Humble Monthly Bundle. All aboard the Humble Train.
Jake, Caleb, Alex, and Aaron review all of the games in the September 2016 Humble Monthly Bundle. This month, the outlook is far from Grim.
Tune in as Jake, Caleb, Alex, and Aaron try and fail to evaluate all of the games in the August 2016 Humble Monthly Bundle. This month, we gave it a Mei.