The Forecast 11.19.20

Alex questions Destiny 2's campaign design. Caleb talks free-to-play on Stadia. Jake tries to convince Aaron to play Batman, again. Owen complains about Niantic. Chad is blown away by a 'sploding movie.

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The Forecast 11.13.20

November 14th is The Horizon's official game day where we will be participating in a 24hr stream for Extra-Life. Please stop by our stream to say hi and consider donating! All donations go to Extra Life and the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals to fund critical treatments, healthcare services, pediatric equipment, and charitable care for kids in need. 4am-4am EST at, donations at

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The Forecast 11.5.20

Alex shrugs off the Cyberpunk delays. Jake plays the twos. Caleb talks gnomes. Aaron misrepresents games. Owen wants a stream donation cap, too.

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The Forecast 10.22.20

Aaron discusses the downfalls of MilSims. Alex gets excited about Quibi's downfall. Caleb Kickstarts everything. Jake plays old games. Owen leaves with a solid message about the gaming community.

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The Forecast 10.8.20

Jake tells a story about dimwits buying Xboxes. Aaron recounts the dos and don'ts of board games. Caleb is excited about new release dates. Owen dumps on Star Wars: Squadron. Alex watches the Ds. Frank debuts his PSA segment.

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The Forecast 9.24.20

Alex and Caleb play a LOT of games. Owen talks PAX Online. Aaron tries to transition. Jake gets DOOMED.

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The Forecast 9.10.20

Jake gets put on the spot. Alex plays but doesn’t beat Celeste. Owen is pumped about Super Mario. Aaron needs teammates. Caleb plays a lot of demos… and then forgets them.

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The Forecast 8.27.20

Owen is pumped about Star Wars. Aaron decides he wants his own segment. Caleb likes Gloomhaven tuts. Jake is a weeb. Alex reads Finalmouse tweets.

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The Forecast 8.13.20

Jake knows secrets about Frog Fractions. Alex hosts Alextime 2.0! Owen's mad about movie streaming prices. Aaron is MIA. Caleb shifts timelines.

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The Forecast 8.1.20

The Horizon’s monthly book club podcast! Check out Expanding Horizons and look for new episodes ever 1st of the month.

This month we read The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks.

Next month we will be reading The Illuminati by Larry Burkett. Read along with us if you like!

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