The Forecast 6.2.22

Caleb plays all the games that Aaron is interested in. Chad talks casuals and streamers for multiple games. Jake updates us on PlayStation news. Alex actually gets excited about Diablo Immortal. Owen is okay with Kenobi.

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The Forecast 5.19.22

Aaron and Alex are excited about the movies they watched. Jake is baffled by Square Enix moves. Caleb plays relaxing Games, Owen doesn't like anything, Chad gets a house. #horizonhouse

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The Forecast 5.5.22

A special episode dedicated to our recent trip to PAX East 2022.

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The Forecast 4.21.22

A special episode dedicated to our upcoming trip to PAX East 2022.

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The Forecast 4.7.22

Owen learns he says 'fine' a lot. Alex is blown away by the levels of puzzles. Aaron talks about Wordle alternatives. Frank yells a lot. Caleb is still bragging about his PS5. Chad loops his video.

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The Forecast 3.24.22

Aaron and Alex have a funny story. Owen preps a new mask review. Jake gets his Steam Deck. Chad talks updates. Caleb is here?

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The Forecast 3.10.22

Owen talks Steam Next Fest. Aaron describes games well. Chad talks Fortnite and New World updates. Jake yells at Aaron’s neighbor. Caleb has a Steam Deck. #eldenring

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The Forecast 2.24.22

Alex names his segment 1.3? Caleb discusses the new Overwatch Character, Echo. Owen went to Star Wars World. Aaron played DOOM. Jake played demos. #ep100

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The Forecast 2.10.22

Aaron forgets who Ken Levine is. Chad walks his cat. Caleb plays a strange card game. Owen likes but also dislikes Pokemon. Alex is not excited. Jake wants a special mask.

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The Forecast 1.27.21

Chad asks if it will play Crysis. Owen takes photos. Jake scares people with a Dark Souls exploit. Aaron hates NFTs and Crypto, to an extent. Alex listens to old content to prove Caleb wrong. Caleb pees in some snow.

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