The Horizon, Welcome.

We are excited to finally start releasing content. Over the years we have talked about creating a website, or a media outlet. The only issue we had was what it would look like. At first we developed a gaming site. This site, or team, was called Kaimera Gaming. We got the name originally from playing Dota 2 and creating a ranked team within the client. Kaimera was based around gaming. Although we absolutely love video games, it is not our only passion. Limiting ourselves to only gaming prevented us from expressing our love for all things media.  After all, we are a community of idea explorers, makers, and entertainment enthusiasts.

What does this look like? Well we will tell you! Our team consists of 4 major players.

Aaron is a maker. He refurbishes wood, designs websites (such as this one), and comes up with ideas that often impress us.

Travis looks at life through a lens. His camera is like an extension to his body. From making commercial videos, to testimonies Travis is proficient in his craft. He has a love for watching films as well which gives us a great addition to the opinions of motion media.

Caleb is a solver. Being a physics and computer science major he has a love for problems, and finding solutions to them. Also he has a smug face.

Chad is a media master. Well, he thinks he is. He taught himself Photoshop at age 14, and loves messing around in the Adobe Suite. He creates some pretty cool designs for social media at iDraxis Designs and loves creating videos for his club (Cru).

We have known each other for five years now and met in various ways. Chad and Travis met sophomore year of high school. There was this moment of bonding over some BMX bikes. When we say a moment, we really mean a moment. About two or three months and then we gave up. Aaron and Chad met at Youth group. Aaron was the youth leader at a local Ashburn church. Adventures from camping, to ultimate Frisbee, and Sonic trips took place over the next few years. Caleb was introduced to the group by Aaron, since, you know, they are brothers.

We hope you enjoy your time with us and we look forward to putting up more content soon!