Credit: Lifehack
Self-Conversation. Chad talking to himself. Weird.
Life Lock CEO Hacked
In all seriousness, having your SSN stolen is a serious issue. If that happens to you, report it to the IRS and the FTC.
Cameras on Tablets and Laptops hacked for video - are people seriously still concerned about this?
Baby Monitor Hacked
Thor sees The Vision in a vision
Joss Whedon scenes - HERE is one example
Donny vs Mark Whalberg
Blade & Soul
Country Bumpkin vs Redneck vs Hick
TLA (17,576 Possible Combos) ETLA (stupid)
The Yahwg
Fallout 4
Twitch - If you don't have any idea what we are talking about, don't worry.
Reason to watch Twitch Stream - Interesting
Why Zombies is amazing - Check back for info on The Almanac, a new podcast coming this summer from The Horizon.
New Zombies Map
PAX EAST - We hope to see you there! PAX EAST
Why Arrow is Terrible - Arrow vs the Flash
Why Arrow is Terrible - Death is an Illusion
Why Arrow is Terrible - Reason #1
Pity Watch - Yes, apparently it's possible to pity watch. Please don't watch Arrow or the 100. Or Arrow.
Vectorize Photo App
Chad Segways Terribly - We think this might become a regular occurrence.
Whose Line Is It Anyways - Pat Benetar
Why Arrow is Terrible - WHAT