Jake reviews Panzerdating WHATEVER
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance / Precision Sword
Why does character creation take so long? Who knows, ask Alex.
The Delta Six - REALLY?!
The Avenger - REALLY AGAIN?!
Scientology - Going Clear
Sea Org Billion Year Contract. In case you missed that. ONE. BILLION. YEARS.
Panama City - Just don't go there.
Bus prank gone sexual? No link pls.
Toasted PB&J with a side of Cheez-Its - NOT THESE
Harold & Kumar
The Reach-In - WHAT?!
TI-89 vs the Solar Calculator - A 20min review of calculation speeds HERE
Pink Swag shot glass - No.
What is the best candy bar? Twix is first on this list and this list and this list and this list.
Hershey's Kisses and vomit. Apparently this is a thing.
Let's do the math - We love this clip
Family Feud MOTHER
Competitive Matchmaking - PURE Frustration