Credit: andriusmak
Aaron gets mad
“Slitty Eye Look”
Travis is a secret agent
Secret Hitler / The BOX
Keycaps are slow, but B-E-A-UTIFUL
No Man’s Sky is DONE
No Man’s Sky lost 92% of Users in 19 days For comparison, FO4 - 58%
Steam Notice for NMS, Basically Sony Ruined NMS
Pokemon GO lost 10 million users
EA Ridiculousness / Battlefield 1 Ultimate Edition $130
Battlefield 1
Sausage Party Trailer shown before Finding Dory
Dota 2 TI Prize Pool hits the 'High Water Mark'
Camp Story
Steve Harvey and the 'NAW NAW' contestant
Russian Super Hero Movie
Stranger Things point and click
Gravity Falls, again...
Time Magazine posts ‘The 50 Best Video Games of All Time’
Semantic Satiation
Rick & Morty - Squanch Tendo
Weird ALT key problem