The Forecast 7.7.16

Caleb is a terrible tipper. Alex destroys Aaron's anime selection. Chad has a Snapchat fail. Travis has an unusual wingman. Bumble.

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The Forecast 6.23.16

Alex has a mortal enemy. Caleb has no friends. Chad sings a song. Travis has royal decrees. Jake discusses duplicate games. Aaron gets upset. #sadboys.

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The Forecast 6.9.16

Aaron gets upset about audio. Alex talks excitedly about multitaps. Jake is serious about fun gaming. Caleb gets nerdy about net code. Frank is on drugs. Travis observes. Urinals.

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The Forecast 5.26.16

The very first Forecast, kinda. Chad watches an Asian family. Caleb explains why acronyms are dumb. Travis doesn't understand identity theft. Aaron loves vectorization. SSN's.

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The Forecast 5.12.16

Caleb is late to the cast. Alex gets turned on talking about VR. Chad distracts everyone with snake, the game. Brenden tells a joke. Jake speaks. Brock is great with the ladies. #oldladygold

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The Forecast 5.5.16

A special podcast dedicated to reviewing our trip to Boston, MA for PAX East 2016.

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The Forecast 4.21.16

A special podcast dedicated to our upcoming trip to Boston, MA for PAX East 2016.

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The Forecast 4.14.16

Aaron reprimands Travis. Frank hates one particular shirt. Chad loves the F-bomb. Alex feels up. Travis picks up his sister. Caleb and Jake are silent together. Poop.

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The Forecast 3.31.16

Lord Alex is addressed. Aaron is apparently awesome. Travis dungeon masters the mythical female. Caleb thinks coding online board games are easy. Chad chokes on pizza. Jake speaks. Jackets.

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The Forecast 3.17.16

Jake has a YouTube channel. Chad has a "few things to say". Alex spends way too much money. Frank buys a calculator. Travis scares his dad. Candy bars.

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